Quick Tips for Preventing Acne

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being greeted by a pimp,e sucks. Pimples tend to arrive at the worst times and when we are least expecting them. But don’t fear, I have some helpful advice to get you well on your way to clearer skin.

At Home Treatments

The main strategy for keeping your skin clear is keeping it clean and hydrated. For daily care, wash morning and night with a cleanser suited for your type of skin, and use warm not hot water. Gently apply cleanser with your fingers rubbing for 30 seconds in circles, rinse, and then finish with a balancing mist and moisturizer. If your removing makeup be sure to wash your face twice or use a specialized makeup remover.

Exfoliate once or twice per week with an enzyme mask that will gently digest dead skin like Pac Man eats glowing orbs. Unless you are very sensitive, you can also use a Clairsonic face brush a few times a week.

Resist the temptation to squeeze pimples or blackheads. You can permanently scar your skin or cause blocked pores to become infected if you aren’t careful. Home extraction tools aren’t recommended either – leave pimple extraction to me. Trying to conquer your face with your fingers just leaves you scarred and bleeding. Also, improper extraction will lead to spreading of the breakout in something I call “constellations.” This is when you pick a zit and then the next day a new one forms so you pick it again, and then another appears, and the next thing you know you have a set of red spots that look like star constellations.

Professional Spa Treatments

As a skin care specialist I have treatments that may not be available to you, so be sure to contact me if you have a nasty zit. Many times I can make it go away and heal faster.

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