411 on Hyperpigmentation

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While many people are born with it, some people develop a skin pigmentation disorder over time and don’t even realize it. Pigmentation refers to the color of a person’s skin, and skin pigmentation disorders come in many forms like an uneven or blotchy complexion, age spots, liver spots, freckles and birth marks. When someone has a pigmentation disorder, they are either having an overproduction (think brown, purple, or pink spots) or an underproduction of a certain pigment (think Michael Jackson).

Melanin is the name of this pigment, and it is responsible for protecting us from those harmful UV rays that come from the sun. The more sun exposure we have, the more melanin is supposed to be deposited, and as a result, the skin gets darker, aka a “tan”.

Overproduction of melanin, or “hyper-pigmentation”, can also be caused by damaging the dermis through wounds, hormonal changes, and nutritional deficiency or prescription drugs. The sad thing about pigmentation is that once you see it, it’s too late. The damage has already been done.

However, don’t lose hope! There are ways to reduce the pigment and decreasing the appearance of hyper-pigmentation in addition to smoothing and evening out the skin tone. There are lots of products and treatments that work on this. If this is something that bothers you come in and we can start to work on it because no matter what your skin concern, I look forward to working with you to achieve beautiful, radiant skin.

Feel Good With Winter Transition

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Winter? What Winter?
Living in SoCal makes winter a bit of a joke to those in colder more dreary parts of the country, but there is still a change even in sunny CA. Are you ready for them? Here are some tips and tricks I use to help me transition to “Winter”.
Get Physical
Exercise is always important, but it’s extra important when less hours of daylight and cooler weather leave us more time to sit at home and eat comfort foods. We are lucky enough to have outdoor exercise weather all year long, but when it gets dark at 5pm you may not be able to be outdoorsy as often. Find something inside to do. Yoga, a Zumba class, some free weights, or even the stairs at work.
Eating healthy is equally important. Don’t pass up the homemade sweets your favorite co-worker brings in, but cut down on the soda and chips to leave room for those special holiday treats. I also aim for one salad every day. This keeps me feeling less guilty about the cinnamon roll I had for breakfast!

In an Emotional State
When the holidays approach and things get hectic with relatives coming over and social events that need to be planned, keep things simple and realistic. Instead of trying to please others, think about what you would like yourself. That way you’ll feel less overwhelmed or physically drained – which is really what those who love you want for you.

Take time for yourself. I see it every year people dashing about like mad and forgetting how important THEY are. I make you a priority in my studio, and I hope that your time with me reminds you to do the same for yourself.

More Time for You
Think about making an additional visit to me or someone else who helps you relax and recharge. You may want to break up a longer, multi-appointment session into two during the hectic holiday season so you have more opportunities to relax. Remember, no matter how you do it, be kind to yourself.

Real Men Get Facials

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Facials are Manly
This just in – real men get facials. Yeah, really. From your college professor to the fireman who saved your cat from the tree, men are starting to see why skin care is so important and it’s isn’t just to look good – though that’s an added perk.

Men are by nature problem solvers. So unless they see a problem they don’t think about it. Even dudes who go to the gym, watch their diet, and think of their bodies as a temple forget that their skin and face is part of that network.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and our first line of defense against sickness and disease. Men are 37% more likely to get skin cancer over women from ignorance on proper skin care. Tell a man that and suddenly he’s got a problem he wants to solve.

Sure, for some a facial will seem “gay” or just plain scary. But once you explain the benefits of facials and skin care to them, they change those antiquated machismo ideas and become dedicated skin fitness enthusiasts.

Why Men Love Facials

  1. Looking good. In this day and age men are feeling the same pressures as women to look good. Clean pores, clear skin, and less wrinkles are all things that are important for looking well groomed and professional.
  2. Staying healthy. The skin is a hard working, protective layer the covers the entire body. It connects and touches everything. Proper daily skin care keeps it and therefore you healthy.
  3. Relaxation. Men need down time just as much as women. Study after study has proven that touch is among the best ways for the body to de-stress.
  4. Results. Problem solver men are goal oriented and once a skin care regime is started they get excited about the positive results they see.

So if you’re a dude, or have a dude in your life, go get a facial. Let a trained professional help your skin stay healthy. Trust me, facials are great and you’ll thank yourself later.

Wondering what a first facial might be like? I have an entire page just for first time facial newbies like you.