Soap vs. Cleanser Debate

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temp-post-imageIt is a race for time in the morning as you get ready for the day. The morning routine seems like another chore and bleary eyed we try to cut corners. Because of this that bar of soap in the shower may call to you instead of using your facial cleanser, but STOP! It’s important to wash your face with the appropriate cleanser and avoid the bar soap all together. In fact, ditch the bar soap all together and give your body the same tender care as your facial skin with a sulfate free shower gel.

Our skin has an exact pH level that keeps the moisture content and acidity in balance. Using the correct cleanser will keep your skin moisturized without overdoing the moisture and causing break-outs. It is important to keep the face clean and prevent bacteria build up, but you don’t want to strip the skin of its natural moisture content. This will cause premature aging and irritation.

Bar soaps are made for getting rid of the grease and grime of the day and contain ingredients to strip then coat the skin in a layer of fat. They mangle the natural pH of the skin and leave a waxy build up (hello soap scum!) that clogs pored and stops good for you products from penetrating.

There are as many facial cleansers in the world as skin types and I’m here to help you find the right one. Like a match maker I’ll hook you up with that perfect cleanser and you can ride off into the sunset happily ever after.

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