Solving the Facial Mask Mystery

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Facials aren’t a one-size-fits all process. Every person that schedules a treatment is as unique as the treatment provided. When you come in for a facial, we will ask several questions about your skin and create a specific mask for your skin type. Here’s a look at the benefits of various facial masks.

Clay and mud masks
These masks are great for oily skin types. The thick cream will absorb excess oil and clear your pores, which will prevent blemishes from popping up. People with oily skin often have problems with acne and use clay masks to balance their skin. While clay masks wage war on oil, it can also leave behind dry patches. You’ll want to apply a facial moisturizer after a clay mask.

Hydration masks
If your face is prone to dry skin, you’ll want to look into a hydration mask. These moisture-rich creams infuse your skin with the ingredients it needs to stay flexible. These masks are particularly helpful for people with hard water, which often leaves skin rough and patchy.

Firming masks
If you want to fight the signs of aging, you’ll want to apply a firming mask. These masks are used to treat sagging or loose skin. The masks are chock-full of ingredients that stimulate the collagen in your skin, promoting a younger look. While the main purpose of this mask is to tighten the skin, it can also improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Facial masks are one of the primary components of a facial. Be sure to schedule a facial to experience the rejuvenating effects of these great masks.

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