The Iderm Hollywood Facial

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“What is that?!”

“It looks like (dropping into a whisper) something from an S&M movie.”

“That looks (gulp) scary…”

Aaaah, the poor Iderm machine. I know it looks scary, but unless you suffer claustrophobia the Iderm facial will be your new best friend. I swear! It’s built on 50 years of skin care technology and designed to be very comfortable, soothing even, as it makes deep and lasting improvements to your skin.

The Iderm Facial

The galvanic power of Iderm has been praised by Oprah, The Doctors, and Housewives of Beverly Hills. This galvanic facial provides dramatic results for the skin from the inside out. The Iderm is known as Hollywood’s best kept secret because the science behind the Iderm’s exclusive process increases circulation and provides nourishment, while decreasing inflammation, minimizing bacterial growth and pore size, and evening out pigment.

Uhhh, So what is it exactly?

Okay, okay. Let me see if I can explain this in a more simple way. The Iderm is an exclusive process that increases circulation and provides nourishment, while decreasing inflammation, minimizing bacterial growth and pore size, and evening out pigment. By acting like a magnet (that’s what galvanic is really, a magnet) it draws impurities out of the skin (imagine two magnets with the same polarity pushing apart) and pushes product deeply into the skin’s cells (imagine two magnets of different polarity pulling together) while exercising the muscles and tissues of the face (think those stimulating ab belts) at the same time.

Oh! That’s cool. What it like?

You can expect wet pads of various solutions to be put on your face, neck, and chest and then those leather pads with the metal numbs on them to be placed over the wet pads. It’s those nubs that allow the galvanic to push and pull. The leather is there because it can withstand all the solutions and be sanitized. Most people say the treatment is very comfortable and even soothing. You lie and have your hands and feet rubbed for 40min or so. Many fall asleep or zone out.

Neat! What can I expect?

With your treatment your skin will experience immediate results feeling refreshed, tightened and hydrated. Maintaining your facial treatments over time with Iderm will improve the color, texture, firmness, tone and health of the skin. With a series the benefits will go deeper and last longer. Fans of the Iderm say it can make them look 10 years younger and increases the results of any of their other treatments. So go ahead. Love the Iderm. It’s totally heavy metal!!

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