Lessons Learned from Acne Journey Stories

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I’m known as the House MD of Skincare because I specialize in hard cases. This brings a lot of acne into my office. But not the easy to fix acne, the weird, obscure, and just plain nasty to fix stuff that is often on the edge of ruining a person’s psyche.

The thing many people don’t realize, is acne is physically, emotionally, and mentally scarring. This is where a well crafted skin journey is vital. The power of seeing someone else get clear, someone with skin like yours or worse than yours, clear up give you hope! The more positive the message and story the better.

It takes courage to share an acne story which is why so many people don’t want to. In my office I clear about 30 cases of acne a year, but very few of my clients are comfortable sharing those images online. It’s hard to show yourself at your most vulnerable and unflattering pictures that remind you of the worst moments of your life are just that. Remember what I said about acne being physically, emotionally, and psychologically scarring? Well sharing all this. Reliving it all can be really triggering for the storyteller.

All Yellow Josh is a perfect example of what a great acne journey is all about. He mixes bravery, humor, and creativity with a strong message to his viewers. His acne journey has me sobbing over how vulnerable he was with everyone.

I also appreciated how clear and strong Josh’s message of love and support was while expressing that there is no magic cure to acne. He was adamant that acne is controlled not cured. He got help to get it under control. He continues to take care of his skin and knows that his acne can flare up, but feels in control of his skin now because he’s educated and knows what to do if he has an acne breakout again in the future. He sought help from those more skilled and educated than he was, listened to their advice, and the plans to continue with his routines to keep clear. We love you Josh!!!💛 💛 💛

Another way acne stories can help is by showing real pictures with dates. Acne is a twisty bitch and getting clear isn’t a straight line. For the hard cases especially it gets better, it gets worse, it gets better, then it gets THE WORST IT’S EVER BEEN right before it gets better in nearly all the cases I work on. I’m not going into the why’s in this post, but there are reasons for sure why!

Showing images of how long the process takes and what the clearing process is like gives you a realistic expectation of what getting clear skin from having years of breakout will be like. I’ll be honest, I’m amazing at my job. I’m one of the top estheticians in the country but getting someone clear and controlling a hard case can takes about a year. YES you heard right, A YEAR. That’s just reality.

I follow Madison on Instagram (she’s very talented!) and when I saw her acne journey photos in her Story I reached out to talk to her for this post. Like me she was called to aesthetics because she struggled with her own skin. Her journey is beautiful to watch because she was so diligent about her photos. In them you can see the clearing and purging cycles that come with any true deep acne healing instead of acne suppression. As I always tell my clients – “That craps gotta come out!”

Since Madison is an esthetician she is honest about her feelings, what crazy stuff she’s tried (and OMG as esty’s we try crazy stuff!!), and finally what worked for her. She discussed her ongoing struggle to stay on track and keep clear because controlling acne is a lifelong endeavor!

My favorite part about speaking with Madison was talking to her professional to professional about how diligent you have to be to control acne. “You can’t give up. I got lazy and my skin wasn’t looking right. I finally forced myself to keep to a better routine.”

Madison’s acne journey is the perfect example of setting realistic expectations for people. I get so mad when I see stories of people who washed their face for a week and cleared up. If you started from nothing and did something, then yeah you’re going to get great results. The reality of most clients who see me, and who are reading about acne are that they’ve lived with it for a long time. It’s going to take some time to heal that up.

I encourage you to go look up some acne journey’s for yourself. If you have one write it! Be brave and share. Know that your acne story could change someone’s life.

Drink More Water

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You’ve heard since childhood that drinking water is good for you. The benefits of taking in some H20 include preventing dehydration and keeping body fluids maintained. But that glass of water you drank at lunch is doing much more than that. Most people don’t know about all the benefits of water. Check out these little-known facts:

Water helps with weight loss
Picking water over a sugary soda will help you drop some unwanted pounds. Plus, water makes you feel full, so you’re less likely to snack if you keep your body hydrated.

Water keeps your muscles in check
Water has a way of revitalizing your muscles. When your body is deprived of water, your electrolytes shrink and your body is forced to borrow nutrients from cells around your muscles. That process leads to muscle fatigue and weakness.

Water keeps wrinkles away
Drinking a bottle of water a day won’t erase wrinkles, but by keeping your skin hydrated it’s less likely to dry out and sag. Water also helps bring out the natural glow in your skin, which means a healthier complexion.

How much water?

A good rule of thumb is to take your body weight, divide it in half, and that’s how many ounces to aim for in a day. BUT remember that consuming that water needs to be slow and steady throughout the day. Chugging 20oz in 5 minutes isn’t going to let your organs process. Imagine the rain in Los Angeles just flooding the streets. That’s what too much water at once does. But water a little here, and a little there, and suddenly you have a watered lawn.

Water in your foods
The good news is you don’t have to drink bottles upon bottles of water everyday. A lot of the food you consume, especially fruits and vegetables, are a good source of water too.

Avoid The Sugar Coma

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If the words “ho ho ho” bring to mind a delicious snack cake wrapped in foil rather than Jolly Old Saint Nick, you’re not alone. We know what the holidays can do to our waistlines so we’re continually looking for a new, better way to eat nutritiously while the rest of the world enjoys a sugar high — then crashes.

It is rare to get through the holidays without hearing someone complain about the weight they’ve gained, exercise they’ve missed out on, or horrible food choices they made during the season. It does not have to be the case for you, though. There are lots of things you can do to stay on track nutritionally, while still loving every moment of the holidays.

An interesting study offers good news and bad news regarding holiday weight gain. According to The New England Journal of Medicine, reports suggesting that the average American gains 7 to 10 pounds of weight between Thanksgiving and Christmas are hogwash. Several recent studies have shown that the average person gains one pound of weight over the holidays. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that most people don’t ever lose that extra pound. Because the average adult gains one or two pounds per year, it means that a lot of that poundage is picked up during the holiday season.

So, what to do? How can you plan for a holiday season that includes lots of nutritious food to give you energy and leaves you with absolutely no weight gain?

Shop Smart
Who among us is not guilty of filling the pantry with goodies during the holiday season? It’s as much a custom as watching It’s a Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story. It’s fine to have those once-a-year snacks available, but balance it out by having nutritious food around, too. Fill containers in your fridge with fresh fruit to snack on and keep pita chips and pretzels in the cupboard for when you’re craving something salty. Mix it up. When you’re in the mood for something not-so-healthy (but utterly delectable) allow yourself to have a small amount, satisfying your real hunger with healthy alternatives.

Lighten up on the Appetizers
Here’s our theory as to why appetizers are always so darn delicious: they are generally full of fat and dense with calories. If you’re hosting or attending a party, focus on the appetizers with the most nutritional value. Shrimp cocktail, veggies with low-fat dip, and fresh fruit are all delicious and give you something to munch on while working the room.

Do the Old Switcheroo
It’s easy to create the perfect holiday meal while saving calories and fat. Non-fat yogurt or applesauce can be substituted when a recipe calls for oil in baked goods. Light cream cheese, low-fat milk, and chicken stock all add flavor to a dish without cramming it full of fat and calories. Make it a game of figuring out ways to make old, traditional dishes with healthier ingredients.

We hear it so often and it’s such boring advice that we’re hesitant to include it, but the truth is, we’re often really dehydrated when we may feel as though we’re hungry. We run around trying to get to this holiday program and picking up that relative at the airport, and frankly, we forget to drink enough water to satisfying our bodies. When it comes to water, our bodies rebel in any number of ways when we’re lacking in H2O. We become tired, cranky, and begin to believe that the only thing that’s going to make us feel better is reaching for a snack. It’s not the snack our bodies crave; it’s water.

One way to prevent stress-related eating is to find ways during the holiday season to relax and be at peace with your body. Take a long walk with the kids or a friend, put a few minutes aside each day to simply sit quietly, or schedule a relaxing treatment with us — anything that allows you to unwind is especially welcome this time of year.

Eat For Your Face

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We all know eating healthy and exercising are the best steps to ensure a long life. While every doctor encourages you to eat your fruits and vegetables, you should also take note of a few foods that can improve the look of your skin. Your skin needs certain vitamins to stay youthful and wrinkle-free. Check out the top four vitamins you should be sure to include in your diet to keep your skin looking radiant.

Vitamin C
This multi-faceted vitamin promotes collagen growth and offers protection from the sun’s harmful rays.
Foods with Vitamin C:

  • peppers
  • fresh herbs
  • broccoli
  • oranges
  • strawberries

Vitamin E
Your skin needs Vitamin E to fortify its cell membranes. In other words, this vitamin acts as a guardian, keeping healthy elements in and bad ones out.
Foods with Vitamin E:

  • nuts
  • seeds
  • avocados

This vitamin helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. It keeps your skin from drying and stretching, which in turn, fights wrinkles.
Foods with Selenium:

  • eggs
  • seafood
  • wheat germ

Technically Omega-3 is a fat, but it’s a good fat. Studies show Omega-3 can reduce acne and fight other irritations like dry, flaky skin.
Foods with Omega-3:

  • fish
  • poultry
  • cereal

If you’re looking to boost the effects of vitamins and bring your skin back to its youthful state, come by and get a facial. A facial revives tired skin, revealing a fresh and young looking you.

Do You Know What’s in Your Skincare?

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Knowing what’s in your skincare products is not only an important step to achieving great skin, but research suggests it can also lead to better health. According to a study conducted by Chemical Safe Skincare Research in 2006, the average woman absorbs more than five pounds of toxins annually from her bath, body and skin care products.

Scientists have linked many of the toxic chemicals used in skin and body care products to such problems as allergies, gene modification, reproductive hormonal disruption, endocrine disruption and even cancer.

The effect prolonged exposure of these chemicals can have on the body has never thoroughly been studied, but considering the health concerns they have been linked to, minimizing their use is certainly wise.

If you’ve purchased a product from me, then you know I’ve done my research on it’s efficacy and safety, but if you have anything sitting around not from me you may want to take a look at it. The number one thing I tell people to stay away from is Laurel or Laureth sulfate, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic, and SPF’s with a lot of chemicals in them.

It is likely that just about every skin care product on your vanity or in your bathroom contains one or more of the ingredients listed above. Before panicking and getting into a frenzied attempt to toss them all, it is important to note that in many cases, the amount of these chemicals used in skin care products is minimal. But knowledge of these ingredients, and how to spot them on labels is certainly very useful as it can help you to make informed choices and reduce how often you come into contact with them.

Eat Your Way to Smooth Skin

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temp-post-imageAs we age skin has a harder time keeping hydrated. The good stuff slows down and the bad stuff speeds up. It’s a battle, but it’s one we can fight especially where hydration is concerned. And there’s something to be said about well-moisturized skin. It looks dewy, softens the appearance of fine lines and it glows.

Dry skin is irritated a and ugly looking. Lines appear larger, it looks brittle, tends to get more oily, and pigmentation seems darker. Dry skin also leads to inflammation, which contributes to aging and disease.

This is why the right products make a world of difference in how your skin looks and feels, and why I’m crazy about my clients staying hydrated inside and out! If you’re already using all the right skin care for you, then try some internal hydration too.

Water. Of course water. But try incorporating more hydrating foods into your diet too so you moisturize from the inside out. Raw or steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, and coconut water bind water internally to the skin.

When eating for hydration think about foods that seem water laden like berries, watermelon, apples, kale, lettuce, and carrots. The advantage of water from food is that it’s utilized better by the body through digestion. Often times water we drink just flows right back out of us. This is why if you’re drinking water add something edible like cucumber, lemon juice, or cranberry juice (unsugard!) to your water.

Fatty acids, like salmon, olive oil, walnut oil, and avocado, are beneficial to the skin’s moisture content because they help bind the water to your organs.

Remember skin is the last organ on the food chain and is therefore the last to receive the benefits of the things you eat. All your other organs must be well hydrated and functioning for the skin to see benefits of internal hydration. So make changes to your diet for hydration and stick to them. It may take a few months to see the changes on your skin.

Feel Good With Winter Transition

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Winter? What Winter?
Living in SoCal makes winter a bit of a joke to those in colder more dreary parts of the country, but there is still a change even in sunny CA. Are you ready for them? Here are some tips and tricks I use to help me transition to “Winter”.
Get Physical
Exercise is always important, but it’s extra important when less hours of daylight and cooler weather leave us more time to sit at home and eat comfort foods. We are lucky enough to have outdoor exercise weather all year long, but when it gets dark at 5pm you may not be able to be outdoorsy as often. Find something inside to do. Yoga, a Zumba class, some free weights, or even the stairs at work.
Eating healthy is equally important. Don’t pass up the homemade sweets your favorite co-worker brings in, but cut down on the soda and chips to leave room for those special holiday treats. I also aim for one salad every day. This keeps me feeling less guilty about the cinnamon roll I had for breakfast!

In an Emotional State
When the holidays approach and things get hectic with relatives coming over and social events that need to be planned, keep things simple and realistic. Instead of trying to please others, think about what you would like yourself. That way you’ll feel less overwhelmed or physically drained – which is really what those who love you want for you.

Take time for yourself. I see it every year people dashing about like mad and forgetting how important THEY are. I make you a priority in my studio, and I hope that your time with me reminds you to do the same for yourself.

More Time for You
Think about making an additional visit to me or someone else who helps you relax and recharge. You may want to break up a longer, multi-appointment session into two during the hectic holiday season so you have more opportunities to relax. Remember, no matter how you do it, be kind to yourself.

Real Men Get Facials

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Facials are Manly
This just in – real men get facials. Yeah, really. From your college professor to the fireman who saved your cat from the tree, men are starting to see why skin care is so important and it’s isn’t just to look good – though that’s an added perk.

Men are by nature problem solvers. So unless they see a problem they don’t think about it. Even dudes who go to the gym, watch their diet, and think of their bodies as a temple forget that their skin and face is part of that network.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and our first line of defense against sickness and disease. Men are 37% more likely to get skin cancer over women from ignorance on proper skin care. Tell a man that and suddenly he’s got a problem he wants to solve.

Sure, for some a facial will seem “gay” or just plain scary. But once you explain the benefits of facials and skin care to them, they change those antiquated machismo ideas and become dedicated skin fitness enthusiasts.

Why Men Love Facials

  1. Looking good. In this day and age men are feeling the same pressures as women to look good. Clean pores, clear skin, and less wrinkles are all things that are important for looking well groomed and professional.
  2. Staying healthy. The skin is a hard working, protective layer the covers the entire body. It connects and touches everything. Proper daily skin care keeps it and therefore you healthy.
  3. Relaxation. Men need down time just as much as women. Study after study has proven that touch is among the best ways for the body to de-stress.
  4. Results. Problem solver men are goal oriented and once a skin care regime is started they get excited about the positive results they see.

So if you’re a dude, or have a dude in your life, go get a facial. Let a trained professional help your skin stay healthy. Trust me, facials are great and you’ll thank yourself later.

Wondering what a first facial might be like? I have an entire page just for first time facial newbies like you.