3 Ways for More Hydrated Skin

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Dry facial skin is a real problem this time of year, and keeping the skin moist with the proper hydration serums and moisturizer may not be enough. So here are some other things to do to keep your cells hydrated.

Cool down the shower
Hot, steamy showers might feel relaxing, but they wreak havoc on your skin. Hot water dries your skin; so consider taking cooler showers to keep your skin from freaking out.

Use a humidifier
Most heating and cooling systems are pumping and circulating dry air through your house. To battle this problem, consider using a humidifier. Set it up in your living room, or wherever you spend the most time. A humidifier is fairly inexpensive and releases water vapor into the air, which will help keep your skin moist. It’s also great for reducing allergens in the air and keeping a more constant temperature in the home.

Remove dead skin cells
Use a Cactus Cloth for the body and a good digestive enzyme facial exfoliant for the face a couple times a week. This helps your products penetrate the skin better.

Facials and body treatments
The benefits of skin care are amplified when you come in for a monthly dose. Monthly facials and even a body treatment (just a facial for the body really!) allow me to power through the dry and rough so you look your best.

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