Exercise and Skin Care

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By all means, when you’re at the gym, work up a sweat. A solid workout routine will do wonders for your overall health, but it can create a few problems in the skin care department. That sweaty layer you’ve got going on is dropping the pH level of yout skin and creating a breeding ground for congestion and bacteria. Don’t let a little sweat stop you from having radiant skin. Just follow these skin care tips:

Remove the makeup
Ladies, if you’re hitting the gym after work, head to the restroom first and wash the makeup off your face. You can put on a fresh batch if you, like me, don’t like to go out without your second skin on. But even an excellent mineral makeup like Jane Iredale has worked hard all day blotting oil and collecting dirt and debris from getting onto your skin. As soon as you sweat thought, all the stuff on top of the makeup will end up rubbed around your skin and in your pores – eew! If you don’t wear an all mineral makeup then please take it off and keep it off during your workout. The combination of gunky makeup and sweat spells disaster for your skin. Use a basic face wash to remove the makeup from your face.

If you’re working out in the morning, be sure to wash your face and apply a light moisturizer. No need for all your products since you’re going to sweat them off, but a clean face stops the goo you’re face has made overnight from spreading all over the place. The moisturizer protects from dehydration and irritation. Once again an all mineral makeup like Jane Iredale is fine to workout in. But when you’re done rinse it off and reapply. That sweat needs off your face!

Exercise needs a gentle face wash
Don’t have time for a full on wash before working out? Why not use a microfiber cloth like the Magic Mitt from Jane Iredale. It removes all makeup, dirt, and debris (even waterproof mascara!) with some warm water and a few swipes. You can rinse and repeat post workout too, saving yourself product and the potential for over washing the skin. The biggest probelm I see with cleansing before and after a workout is stripping. Too much washing can strip the skin of vital moisture and break down it’s natural protective acid mantle. So be sure that gym bag cleanser is very gentle.

Wash or at least rinse your face immediately
Once you’ve finished your workout wash your face again. Yes, it’s a little repetitive, but it’s the best way to keep your skin clear of sweat-induced bacteria. Your skin is a bit sensitive after working out so be mindful not to apply the heavy duty anti-agers or acids within 20min of a hard, sweaty, exercise session. The same is true for applying product before a workout. Sweats pH can reactivate acids and enzymes making them burn or irritate the skin.

Use a clean towel
Using a clean towel when working out is vital. Rubbing sweat off your face and body with a dirty towel is, well, dirty! And don’t go without one either. Even a clean gym can have some nasty surfaces. What if the lady before you didn’t wipe down those dumbells after picking a rock out of the tread of her shoes? Or that mat you’re lying on had someone’s unwashed hair all over it? Bring a towel and keep it clean.