The Iderm Hollywood Facial

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“What is that?!”

“It looks like (dropping into a whisper) something from an S&M movie.”

“That looks (gulp) scary…”

Aaaah, the poor Iderm machine. I know it looks scary, but unless you suffer claustrophobia the Iderm facial will be your new best friend. I swear! It’s built on 50 years of skin care technology and designed to be very comfortable, soothing even, as it makes deep and lasting improvements to your skin.

The Iderm Facial

The galvanic power of Iderm has been praised by Oprah, The Doctors, and Housewives of Beverly Hills. This galvanic facial provides dramatic results for the skin from the inside out. The Iderm is known as Hollywood’s best kept secret because the science behind the Iderm’s exclusive process increases circulation and provides nourishment, while decreasing inflammation, minimizing bacterial growth and pore size, and evening out pigment.

Uhhh, So what is it exactly?

Okay, okay. Let me see if I can explain this in a more simple way. The Iderm is an exclusive process that increases circulation and provides nourishment, while decreasing inflammation, minimizing bacterial growth and pore size, and evening out pigment. By acting like a magnet (that’s what galvanic is really, a magnet) it draws impurities out of the skin (imagine two magnets with the same polarity pushing apart) and pushes product deeply into the skin’s cells (imagine two magnets of different polarity pulling together) while exercising the muscles and tissues of the face (think those stimulating ab belts) at the same time.

Oh! That’s cool. What it like?

You can expect wet pads of various solutions to be put on your face, neck, and chest and then those leather pads with the metal numbs on them to be placed over the wet pads. It’s those nubs that allow the galvanic to push and pull. The leather is there because it can withstand all the solutions and be sanitized. Most people say the treatment is very comfortable and even soothing. You lie and have your hands and feet rubbed for 40min or so. Many fall asleep or zone out.

Neat! What can I expect?

With your treatment your skin will experience immediate results feeling refreshed, tightened and hydrated. Maintaining your facial treatments over time with Iderm will improve the color, texture, firmness, tone and health of the skin. With a series the benefits will go deeper and last longer. Fans of the Iderm say it can make them look 10 years younger and increases the results of any of their other treatments. So go ahead. Love the Iderm. It’s totally heavy metal!!

Solving the Facial Mask Mystery

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Facials aren’t a one-size-fits all process. Every person that schedules a treatment is as unique as the treatment provided. When you come in for a facial, we will ask several questions about your skin and create a specific mask for your skin type. Here’s a look at the benefits of various facial masks.

Clay and mud masks
These masks are great for oily skin types. The thick cream will absorb excess oil and clear your pores, which will prevent blemishes from popping up. People with oily skin often have problems with acne and use clay masks to balance their skin. While clay masks wage war on oil, it can also leave behind dry patches. You’ll want to apply a facial moisturizer after a clay mask.

Hydration masks
If your face is prone to dry skin, you’ll want to look into a hydration mask. These moisture-rich creams infuse your skin with the ingredients it needs to stay flexible. These masks are particularly helpful for people with hard water, which often leaves skin rough and patchy.

Firming masks
If you want to fight the signs of aging, you’ll want to apply a firming mask. These masks are used to treat sagging or loose skin. The masks are chock-full of ingredients that stimulate the collagen in your skin, promoting a younger look. While the main purpose of this mask is to tighten the skin, it can also improve the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Facial masks are one of the primary components of a facial. Be sure to schedule a facial to experience the rejuvenating effects of these great masks.

Autumn is Here

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As we transition into Fall, we look forward to autumn and the end of Summer. With the warm and relaxing days coming to an end we can look forward to pumpkin pie, cooler days, and drier skin.

Fall is my personal favorite season. We get to put on the new fashion trends we’ve seen but couldn’t wear in the stores and on runways the last month or so. The rich, jewel tone colors flatter nearly everyone, and gloss and shimmer make way for bolder glitter and sparkle.

Fall means going to the back of our closets and bringing forth our longer sleeve blouses and hanging up the capri’s. It’s the perfect excuse for shopping because as the colder weather sets in we all could use a new pair of boots and a couple new sweaters. But in your rush to cover up, don’t forget that the change in season also involves a change in how you treat your skin.

In the summer time, we all want to achieve the perfect fresh, glowing skin associated with the outdoors. We’re all about protecting it from the sun, wind, and fun. Our beauty routines reflect this mindset in products such as sunscreen, oil blotting, hydrating lotions, self-tanners, and the occasional Aloe Vera. The heat and humidity of summer means we need to protect ourselves from sun damage while making sure our skin stays hydrated for that supple, healthy glow.

As we look towards October, it’s the perfect time to begin a regimen of skin care to prepare for the oncoming winter months. Think extra hydration and exfoliation. You may need to add a moisturizer to go over the serum you used by itself during the summer as well as an enzyme mask and protection balm to keep your skin supple and hydrated.

Luckily if you see me at Solyn skin Fitness Studio I’ve got you covered. In October be prepared to talk about your summer routine and the adjustments we need to make to transition into fall and winter.

The Zit Stops Here

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It’s the night before the biggest event of your life and a pimple pops up on your face in a spot that could only be missed in a pitch-black room. Acne is frustrating at any time, but there are moments when you simply must get rid of the offending zit fast.

Come in to see me. Not only do I have the tools to safely remove any dirt or debris from clogged pores, but I have an arsenal of products and doodads that can help get rid of that zit FAST! So before you try and conquer your face with your fingers, contact me.
Spot Treatments
Clay, sulfur, and algae are my favorites as spot treatments. Experiment to see which your skin prefers. Wash your face and apply the treatment directly to the acne twice a day. More than twice a day may cause extreme drying, so it is best to stick with two times a day until the acne disappears.
Warm Compress
Quite frankly this is where I always start with an unwanted blemish. Sometimes a wash cloth soaked in hot (NOT SCALDING) water applied to the area for 5-10 min does the job. The wet heat will either bring that red bump to the surface for removal, or make it go away all together. It also makes the skin more receptive to products so it’s what I like to do first.
Professional Advice
Leaving acne untreated can result in emotional and physical scarring and often have a simple solution in proper skin care, better makeup, and regular facials.

Beating the Summer Pigmentation Blues

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As summer winds down you may notice that your skin is looking dull, tired, and dry. I know I see it in clients all the time as August rolls around. Sun, wind, salt, chlorine, and too much fun can be hard on the skin.

Signs of sun damage like wrinkles, brown spots, freckles, and blotchy skin are also more prevalent in the summer. Sun damage that you see today, like light from the stars, was created in the past. What we see today was done years ago in our fun loving and too often SPF free youth.

The best protection you can give the skin from future sun damage is to stay out of it and use proper SPF, but for the damage that was already done, well it’s time to start repairing it with the right facials and daily skin care routine.

Pigmentation needs a four pronged approach.

1) Protect from future damage with SPF EVERY DAY.

2) Topical brightener to reduce superficial topical discoloration.

3) A topical melanin inhibitor that will reduce more pigmentation from forming.

4) Dedication and time. Pigmentation needs time to repair.
To speed up the process a series of pigment busting facials will always help. The Hydrafacial, Epicuren Four Layer Enzyme, or Switch Treatment are all excellent options to get you on the road to clearer and brighter skin. Come in and see which series would be right for you. Either way, your summer skin will thank you.

Eat For Your Face

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We all know eating healthy and exercising are the best steps to ensure a long life. While every doctor encourages you to eat your fruits and vegetables, you should also take note of a few foods that can improve the look of your skin. Your skin needs certain vitamins to stay youthful and wrinkle-free. Check out the top four vitamins you should be sure to include in your diet to keep your skin looking radiant.

Vitamin C
This multi-faceted vitamin promotes collagen growth and offers protection from the sun’s harmful rays.
Foods with Vitamin C:

  • peppers
  • fresh herbs
  • broccoli
  • oranges
  • strawberries

Vitamin E
Your skin needs Vitamin E to fortify its cell membranes. In other words, this vitamin acts as a guardian, keeping healthy elements in and bad ones out.
Foods with Vitamin E:

  • nuts
  • seeds
  • avocados

This vitamin helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. It keeps your skin from drying and stretching, which in turn, fights wrinkles.
Foods with Selenium:

  • eggs
  • seafood
  • wheat germ

Technically Omega-3 is a fat, but it’s a good fat. Studies show Omega-3 can reduce acne and fight other irritations like dry, flaky skin.
Foods with Omega-3:

  • fish
  • poultry
  • cereal

If you’re looking to boost the effects of vitamins and bring your skin back to its youthful state, come by and get a facial. A facial revives tired skin, revealing a fresh and young looking you.

It’s Going to Be a Cruel Cruel Summer

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We’re in the midst of summer and everyone knows what that means – high heat and sweaty skin. And since it feels like August instead of July out there our summer is going to be hotter than ever!

During the summer, many of us enjoy pool, hiking, or walking on the beach. This is why a GOOD SPF is needed. I always recommend the Epicuren SPF’s since there’s one for whatever your lifestyle needs. Chemical free, ultra light weight Zinc SPF 20, Water resistant but not goopy Active Sport SPF 30, and Xtreme Cream 45 with propolis for those extreme days in the sun. I also love the Jane Iredale Dream Tint SPF 15 for a coverage that protects and conceals but won’t sweat off, or my all time favorite car SPF PowderMe SPF 30 which is powdered titanium and zinc that won’t go bad in high heats – like your glove box!

Ocean water is full of salt and even just being by it can leave your skin dry to the touch due to the sticky salty air. On days like these, there’s nothing better than taking a good shower to wash everything from your skin with a gentle exfoliation. One of the best ways to do this is by gently exfoliating your body with a Cactus Cloth and a gentle body wash. Of course there’s I shouldn’t need to say this, but lets just in case -avoid exfoliating sunburned skin since this will only further irritate it and cause pain and flare up. However, if you’re in the “peeling” stage of a sunburn,(which won’t happen if you wear and reapply a good quality SPF!) go ahead and gently exfoliate the area; it will help speed up the process.

After you’re left feeling clean and refreshed, make sure to nourish your skin.I personally love mixing in a small squeeze of Injablu with Restore Hydrating Lotion for added skin benefits. Not only will it soften your skin but it will help keep it hydrated in the summer heat.

Do You Know What’s in Your Skincare?

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Knowing what’s in your skincare products is not only an important step to achieving great skin, but research suggests it can also lead to better health. According to a study conducted by Chemical Safe Skincare Research in 2006, the average woman absorbs more than five pounds of toxins annually from her bath, body and skin care products.

Scientists have linked many of the toxic chemicals used in skin and body care products to such problems as allergies, gene modification, reproductive hormonal disruption, endocrine disruption and even cancer.

The effect prolonged exposure of these chemicals can have on the body has never thoroughly been studied, but considering the health concerns they have been linked to, minimizing their use is certainly wise.

If you’ve purchased a product from me, then you know I’ve done my research on it’s efficacy and safety, but if you have anything sitting around not from me you may want to take a look at it. The number one thing I tell people to stay away from is Laurel or Laureth sulfate, Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic, and SPF’s with a lot of chemicals in them.

It is likely that just about every skin care product on your vanity or in your bathroom contains one or more of the ingredients listed above. Before panicking and getting into a frenzied attempt to toss them all, it is important to note that in many cases, the amount of these chemicals used in skin care products is minimal. But knowledge of these ingredients, and how to spot them on labels is certainly very useful as it can help you to make informed choices and reduce how often you come into contact with them.

Sunburn SOS

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It happens to the best of us. Here’s how to handle the situation stat! Keep it cool and damp. It takes up to 24 hours for a burn to stop burning into the skin. Cover the area with Mud Puddle and get fast relief! This Hungarian mud reduce redness and inflammation and aid in the healing process. You can also add it to a cool bath and just soak in it. Moisturize with a healing cooling gel like Noni which is a Hawaiian secret. Once the burn isn’t hot to the touch you can use a thicker moisturizer to help avoid bad peeling.

Protect Yourself From Fungus

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Summer is full of wet, hot, sweaty fun – especially by pools. It doesn’t matter if it’s your own, a friends or a public hangout, pools are great substitution for beaches. When it comes to pools, however, we should all keep in mind the possibility of contracting a fungal infection.

According to Water’s Edge Dermatology, “It is easy to get a fungal infection. Fungi spread easily from person to person. Many people get a fungal infection through close personal contact with someone who has a fungal infection…Fungi grow quickly in warm, moist areas. For most people, a fungal infection causes a mild rash or itching.”

Some of the possible fungal infections include Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis), Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis, Tinea Unguium), Jock itch (Tinea Cruris), Ringworm (Tinea Corporis) and Scalp Ringworm (Tinea Capitis). The good news is there are some ways to protect yourself.

A few simple things can help protect you from fungus.

  • Footlogix Rough Skin Protective Mousse. It works on keeping the foot tissue protected from fungal infection, while healing and hydrating that skin.
  • Use powder in areas you are going to get sweaty like bikini line, under breasts, balls, and between butt cheeks.
  • Avoid using or sharing another person’s towel and comb/brush.
  • Don’t wear another person’s shoes or sandals.
  • Don’t keep wet bathing suits on for longer than necessary.

Don’t let a fungal infection put a damper on your summer! Just be cautious of your surroundings and follow the tips above to help avoid them. Remember, if by chance you do contract an infection; visit your doctor for advice on how best to treat it.